Juifs roumains
1004 deportees in this convoy, 729 of them were Romanian Jews, left from Drancy on September 25th, 1942 and reached Auschwitz on September 27th, 1942. My grand-father, Aron Natanson and his daughter, Miryam Natanson (she was 13) were deported in this convoy. Children andminors (under 21) in yellow. To search in the list of names…
Miryam Natanson (in English)
Miryam Natanson, my Aunt, was born in Paris, on June 21, 1929. Her first names, on the birth certificate, were « Miryam, Yudith », but, in her family, she was called Mireille, the french spelling for Miryam. Her parents are Fanny Neidmann and Aron Natanson, who came from Romania in 1923. She lived in Paris at number…
Aron Natanson (in English)
Aron Natanson, my grandfather, was born in Ploiesti, a small industrial city located North of Bucharest (Romania) on February 1st, 1886. His father, Osias Natanson, ran a bookstore in Bucharest, Libraria Bibliofila, at Calea Rahovei 8. Aron studied philosophy in Berlin and ended his studies with a doctorate. His Doctoral Thesis was about Spinoza’s…
Un convoi de 1004 déportés, dont 729 juifs roumains, parti le 25 septembre 1942 de Drancy, arrivé à Auschwitz le 27 septembre 1942. C’est dans ce convoi que furent déportés Aron Natanson, mon grand-père, et Miryam Natanson, sa fille, âgée de 13 ans. En jaune, lesenfants et les mineurs de moins de 21 ans Pour…